

Together, we can make a difference!

In the last 10 years, immense progress has been made in combatting HIV/AIDS. However, to ensure that gains are not reversed and we completely end the HIV pandemic, we need to do more!

Your donation helps us bring together our partners to end the HIV pandemic in Nigeria. Our efforts have been crucial in raising awareness of HIV and AIDS, providing lifesaving drugs and other materials, and supporting the Nigerian government in achieving the SGD goals on HIV and AIDS. Please, choose one of the channels below.

plwa donation

The End HIV Donation

End HIV donation increases access to HIV counselling, testing, treatment and referral service for those who need it most.

impact fund

PLWHA Impact Fund

The PLWHA Impact Fund supports HIV warriors with resources and empowers them with skills that can help them lead healthy and productive lives.

Impact Makers Donation

The Impact Makers Donation allows you to make a donation as a memorial to an event, organisation or in a person's name. Please reach out to us for more information on this.


Hold A Fundraiser

You can use special events such as birthdays or any commemorative event to raise funds to combat HIV. Reach out to us to find out how.

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